Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Dragonfly dress

Been quite a while since I've had time to do anything crafty. But we are finally settled in the new house! After the move I've now got a big bag of clothes which don't fit anymore, or I just do not use. My plan is to try to turn these clothes into something usable, bit different and fun.

This top from H&M and skirt from Monsoon are a few years old now and not really used, so I cut off the end of the top, narrowed the skirt and sewed them together to make a dress. I made a dragonfly out of the remaining top-material which I sewed onto the skirt.

Flower dresses and a bit of redesign

I got this flower material from Panduro and instantly thought it had to become summer dresses for the girls! The first one I made is the same pattern as the other ones I've made previously. The flower mateial is combined with red cotton and lined with white cotton.

The other dress is based on the same pattern as well, but the upper part is an old cotton jumper which I cut to fit - very quick to do and not fiddely at all! A good way of reusing a boring old white jumper!